Benchmarking the Thai PPP Acts with UNCITRAL Model Legislative Provisions on PPP: An Analysis of the Evolution and Shortcomings of the Thai PPP Legal Framework

Benchmarking the Thai PPP Acts with UNCITRAL Model Legislative Provisions on PPP: An Analysis of the Evolution and Shortcomings of the Thai PPP Legal Framework

ABSTRACT This thesis aims at evaluating Thailand’s PPP legal framework and its evolution over time in order to assess its efficiency at preventing disputes and mitigating risks. The thesis proposes to investigate three consecutive PPP acts: the Act on Private Participation in State Undertaking (PPSU) enacted in 1992, the Act on Private Investment in State…

Underwater Heritage Convention: A Situation in Cambodia

Underwater Heritage Convention: A Situation in Cambodia

INTRODUCTION                                                       One of the topics that has been gradually becoming more important over the past decade is the preservation of underwater cultural heritage. Underwater cultural property is not possible to commit with land’s cultural heritage, but the significance of what is there could be overlooked or placed second to the recently introduced topic. Although…

Unsolicited Proposals for PPP Projects: A Study on Australian Experiences and Lessons for Cambodia

Unsolicited Proposals for PPP Projects: A Study on Australian Experiences and Lessons for Cambodia

By Mr. LAY Boseihak ABSTRACT Public-Private Partnership (‘PPP’) projects serve as the best alternative to traditional project procurement for financing infrastructure in developing nations, including Cambodia. It has been generally recognized that there are two types of PPP projects: solicited proposals and unsolicited proposals (“USPs”). While the former refers to the PPP projects that are…

The Recognition of the Trust Institution in Common Law and some Civil Law Countries

The Recognition of the Trust Institution in Common Law and some Civil Law Countries

By Mrs. Anne-Sophie MILARD INTRODUCTION The trust is a legal instrument which has been implemented for centuries in Common Law countries where it usually enjoys a good reputation, if not a very good one. Recently, it has started to be adopted in some Civil Law legal systems, but when so, it has generally led to…

La compétence limitée des tribunaux cambodgiens face à l’arbitrage du CIRDI dans le contentieux d’investissement entre investisseur étranger et État cambodgien

La compétence limitée des tribunaux cambodgiens face à l’arbitrage du CIRDI dans le contentieux d’investissement entre investisseur étranger et État cambodgien

Par Dr. Sieng Pikol Introduction: “Incontestablement, l’investissement étranger constitue un facteur déterminant pour la croissance  des pays en voie de développement. La multiplication de ces investissements signifie aussi le risque de contentieux. Malheureusement, il n’existe pas de donnée officielle relative aux contentieux opposant l’investisseur à l’État cambodgien ou à ses émanations. Malgré cela, le risque…

Coutume et droit positif: les conditions de formation du mariage au Cambodge

Coutume et droit positif: les conditions de formation du mariage au Cambodge

Par Dr. PRUM Rithy. Introduction: Le Cambodge est un pays d’Asie du Sud-Est, anciennement dénommé empire Khmer. A l’époque préangkorienne, les frontières du royaume s’étendaient au-delà des limites actuelles : au nord-ouest, l’empire khmer regroupait les provinces du Mon (une nation très proche de la culture khmère et correspondant actuellement au Myanmar), au nord-est le Champa…

Opportunities for Cambodia under the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP)

Opportunities for Cambodia under the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP)

By H.E. Dr. Academician SOK Siphana. Introduction 1.   When Cambodia took on its ASEAN chairmanship in January 2022, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) has entered into force. By virtue of its size and the diversity of its membership, RCEP has become a fundamental building block for deepening trade liberalization in the Asia-Pacific….

Trade and Public Health: The Stimulation of Healthcare Technology Advances and Innovation for Neglected Tropical Diseases

Trade and Public Health: The Stimulation of Healthcare Technology Advances and Innovation for Neglected Tropical Diseases

By Ms. IM Chanbormey. Abstract: Neglected Tropical Diseases (“NTDs”) preponderantly affect inhabitants of tropical and subtropical regions, prompting morbidity and mortality, and are considered as overlooked, yet they actually have been fathomed thus far as indicated by the history and particularly the remarkable cooperation between international organizations albeit not being resolved forthwith. The deficiency of…